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Student Enrichment

At St. Stephen’s we believe that student enrichment is just as important as academic work in preparing our students for life beyond school. We have three Student Enrichment Coordinators, responsible for Community Service, Extra-Curricular Activities and Houses.

The student enrichment opportunities that we provide enable our students to develop the qualities of our student profile. These are highly valued by both universities and employers. A student who has demonstrated commitment to a wide variety of enrichment activities may have a much better chance of getting into the university and even the career of their choice when they leave school.

In order to monitor student progress across the wide variety of enrichment opportunities in which our students participate we have developed a Student Enrichment Portfolio. This document enables students to keep a record of what they have achieved in each of the activities in which they take part, both in and out of school. These portfolios allow students to reflect on their experiences and are evidence of their personal development.

Remembrance Service Sunday 13 November 2022 - Bangkok