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Model United Nations

Nov 29 2016

On the 27th of November, 9 students from various year groups participated in Model United Nations (MUN) at Harrow International School. We enjoyed debate with students of all ages from 20 different schools. Many of us initially felt out of our depth due to the other students seeming more experienced and us comparatively being highly inexperienced. Most of us found this very challenging, not being able to wrap our head around the very advanced language and terms that must be used. However, we were determined to try our best.
We came to school at around 6am, then proceeded to Harrow via bus. It was a very early start, but by the time we arrived we were raring to go. After we arrived at Harrow International School, we registered and divided ourselves into two groups. Around 7.30 we entered the opening ceremony where the secretariat and chairs were introduced.

Despite us feeling inexperienced when compared to other students, we managed to hold our own in the various committees and even managed to have some interesting debate on issues such as the safety of journalists in conflict zones and the sharing of natural resources in the Arctic region.

MUN encourages students to step out of their comfort zones to face new challenges. It develops critical thinking and analyzing skills. We had to use English all day, in some quite complex discussion, so it definitely helped our confidence in speaking English out loud. 

Many things can be learnt from MUN, such as the improvement of self-confidence. It is very well respected with employers, as it shows many important feats; such as confidence and the the ability to voice your opinion without fear. 

We had a great day at the conference and are looking forward to the next one in February. We hope that we get some new students joining this activity next term.