The school is housed in three purpose-built buildings. Building 1 includes all our Early Years facilities including specialist classrooms, nursery, changing and toilet facilities and indoor play area. The building also includes a spacious whole school canteen and a large whole school gym, both of which are air conditioned.
Building 2 includes all our Primary (Years 3 to 6) classrooms together with the Primary Library and computer laboratory. The building also contains most of the school’s administrative offices.
The Secondary School is housed in Building 3 which in addition to specialist subject classrooms houses the Secondary Library, the whole school Music Department, two computer laboratories, a Home Economics room, five Science laboratories, a large multi purpose room, a careers room, the Sixth Form centre and a spacious well lit Art room.
The school’s final building houses our main hall which is used for assemblies, concerts and dramatic productions. On site sporting facilities include a swimming pool, covered basketball court and a grass football pitch in addition to the gym in Building 1. The school also has outdoor play areas and ample parking space.
St.Stephen’s International School
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