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The dorm students visited Khao Yai National Park

Feb 07 2024

On Saturday 27 January the dorm students visited Khao Yai National Park. A hike in the amazing scenery of the National Park and World Heritage Site is one of our annual special occasions. This year we started at the beautiful Sorn Reservoir where we were treated to a flock of swallows flying by us. Soon we were in the secondary jungle on Trail 7 hearing the cries of a range of birds as well as gibbons in the distance. We took a detour down Trail 4 to see a stupendous 500 year old bangyon tree wrapped in a strangler fig tree. 
Everyone took the time to be silent and listen to the sounds from around us—a very special five minutes. After returning to Trail 7 and completing it we drove to the Lam Ta Khiong campsite to have a delicious lunch, where we saw samba deer and some monkeys. It was a truly wonderful day and everyone returned to school tired and happy!